
the girl behind the blog (a vlog about passions!)

Can I just say how excited I am to get to link up again for The Girl Behind The Blog? I love this prompt. God has been doing such a huge work on my heart when it comes to passion and the callings He has placed on my life. I am so excited to get to share with you all today!

If you want to learn more about why we're fostering and our journey (so far), here are the posts you should check out:
Our Announcement.
God ruining my life for the orphan.
Foster Care is a JESUS thing.
Learning to have grace.
Not everyone is called to foster but we're all called to help.

As much as I hate that I had knee surgery, I'm thankful for how God is using it to teach me. And as frustrated as I am that I'm not 100%, and I am more than frustrated, I'm grateful that I'm getting stronger and that I'll soon be healthy and able to return to work and able to love on lots of kids.

He is good, y'all. So, so good. And He desires to give us all good gifts - even though the gifts may not seem good at the time. I can't wait to see how God is moving in everyone else's passions and lives!



  1. Hello again miss Leslie! I love hearing about your heart for orphan care. Fostering is such a unique thing and takes a special kind of heart-- I love hearing all about your desire to BE the church

  2. I agree with Ashley, fostering does take a special heart, and I'm so happy to see this come to a reality for you and your husband! Those are going to be 2 lucky kids that come to your home! (and the others that may follow!)

  3. What amazing passions you have! I especially love your heart for orphan care--that and/or adoption is something that I hope to pursue someday when I'm married and it's so great to hear that there are others who share that passion!

  4. Your passion for orphan care is so great. One of the things I sometimes pray about, when I pray for a future spouse, is that he'll be open to foster care and adoption because I see that as something I'd love to pursue someday.



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