
a little update

We received the keys to our new house on Friday afternoon. With closing done and our check cleared, we spent Friday night shopping for furniture and celebrating by eating dinner out with friends. Saturday brought more shopping for furniture and assisting the movers with boxes and directing them with where to put all the big furniture.

Internet will be installed on Thursday, and we are slowly getting our boxes unpacked. There are little things I've noticed that need to be fixed.. things that the builder is responsible for. As stressful as moving is, I'm less stressed knowing I don't have to worry about many of the things I worried about with our first house.

I'll be back soon - once I have Internet and my MacBook. Thanks for hanging in there with me during this time of transition, and thanks for celebrating our new house. We can not even believe that this house actually belongs to us.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! I can't wait for a home with my NAME on the deed.



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