journey towards health

picture found here.
For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with my weight and with being healthy. I've either been too thin (for a short time in high school) or overweight (for most of the rest of my life).

I understand nutrition and the general practice of being healthy, but I struggle to apply it to my own life. It stops now.

This is just a glimpse into my journey. I'm not sure where it will take me, but I know it will take me somewhere. Feel free to comment, to spur me on, and to scold me if necessary. Also feel free to follow me on MyFitnessPal. This is what I am working towards.

From The Year 2012
a week's worth of work outs
 making small goals
saying no and staying away from temptation
weight loss fear
starting over again (august 2012)
why i haven't lost 100 pounds yet
feeling accomplished
another admittance of struggle
shades of hope
still looking for a new normal
finding strength
weight loss should be easy for me
my own worst enemy
boot camp
intentions and a recipe for mashed cauliflower
work outs and a recipe for ratatouille
texas and a recipe for chicken salad
cheating and jillian michaels

south beach diet (phase one, week one - take three)
successes and eating to survive
stepping back into the gym and a healthy recipe
weight loss as a spiritual matter
a new old plan

From The Year 2011:
south beach diet (take two)
lack of exercise
becoming the girl who finishes
health issues

From The Year 2010: 


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