
friday's letters / dear friday (link up)

Dear Friday. Today I am officially one week post-op from knee surgery. This past week has been filled with pain pills, sleeping on the couch, icing my knee, going seven days without washing my hair, and celebrating the little successes. I feel so much better and stronger today than I did yesterday, and I am excited for next Friday when I am hopefully back at work hobbling around on my crutches.

Dear Husband. You have taken such wonderful care of me. Thank you for praying with me before surgery and quickly figuring out how best to move me on and off the couch and in and out of the car. Thank you for the beautiful flowers and the stuffed dog to cuddle at night. You have provided me with so much this past week, and I am so glad to have you as my cheerleader.
Dear Dogs. You have been so gentle this week. Thank you for sleeping at my feet and kissing my face in the morning. I am so glad that I get to spend a little more time on the couch with you now that I'm able to sit up on the couch.

Dear Mom. I loved having you here for the past week. Not only did you cook us dinner and do all of our laundry (more than week's worth for sure) but you painted four walls in our house, cleaned out kitchen, organized almost the whole house, loved on me, took me to my first post-operative appointment, and cared for our dogs while Justin was at work. You are officially SuperWoman.
Dear Dad. I can not believe you scored 126 points on our current game of Words with Friends. Seriously. I loved that when I called you last night you knew it was because of the word "jeez." You may win this game, but I'll get you the next game. At least that's the plan. I am so thankful for you - even when you beat me.

Dear Self. You have learned a lot this week. Make sure you remember it. And what should you remember? It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to need help. It's good to open yourself up to people also. This (meaning walking with crutches & the extensiveness of the knee surgery) too shall pass, and you will be even stronger once it does. Celebrate the little things - always. Have faith; God is bigger than everything. You are more loved than you ever could have thought or imagined. 


1 comment:

  1. Prayers for quick healing!! You have such an amazing support system (can you send your mom my way??) lol Happy Weekend!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!



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